Setting Up a Desk Phone Voicemail
This help doc only applies to desk phone users that have not set up their voicemail boxes yet.
Step 1. Dial 3000 on your desk phone.
Step 2. A voicemail assistant will prompt you to enter your passcode.
2a. If you have never set up or accessed your voicemail, the default passcode is 1111. Proceed to step 3.
2b. If you have forgotten your passcode or 1111 does not work, email to generate a ticket and we will reset your passcode as soon as we can.
Step 3. The voicemail assistant will explain what buttons to press and actions to take to set up your voicemail box. She will walk you through setting up a new passcode, a greeting, and a name for your voicemail box.
***When entering a new passcode, it must be 4-10 digits long. After you've entered it, there will be a pause. Wait out the pause until the voicemail assistant speaks again.***
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