Instructions to Migrate User Data to OneDrive
Step 1. Navigate to the bottom left corner of your screen and click the Windows Icon. Type "OneDrive" and open the application. Skip to step 4 If you are already signed into OneDrive.
Step 2. Sign in to OneDrive using your email.
Step 3. Click Next through all of the windows until you get to "Open My OneDrive Folder." Go ahead and open the folder and then close it. We are going to upload the Z: Drive data from the online view.
Step 4. In the taskbar on the far right you should have a blue cloud. Click on the blue cloud and select "View Online" (You may have to hit the up arrow in order to find the blue cloud for OneDrive.)
Step 5. Click "Upload" and then select Folder
Step 6. Find your Z: Drive folder. Click your Z: drive folder once to highlight it and click the upload button in the bottom right. You may get another pop up after you hit upload. Go ahead and click "Trust" if you do.
Step 7. You should now see your folder uploaded to your OneDrive in the cloud. This file can also be accessed from File explorer still under you OneDrive tab.
Step 8. Once your folder is FULLY uploaded to the cloud, please navigate to the Z: Drive like normal. Right click your folder and click delete. Make sure you delete your folder only.